As of August 20, 2021, the Board of Directors has implemented a sign up for interested Oxxford Hunt tennis players to reserve a tennis court on either West Chatham Street or Fallsworth Drive. You will first need to fill out the Tennis Court form to obtain the current codes. Once you receive the codes, you can reserve a court by clicking on this link: www.signupgenius.com/tabs/23673D606A3C2ED1-tennis. Please remember that the courts are only for Oxxford Hunt residents and their guest.
Four tennis courts are available for Oxxford Hunt residents and guests on Fallsworth Drive (behind the club house) and West Chatham. Two courts on West Chatham St. are available for the residents of Brampton Moors apartments as well as Oxxford Hunt residents and guests. The courts behind the clubhouse have lights for evening and early morning use and the courts on West Chatham do not have lights. Keep in mind that the courts are for tennis and pickleball use only. Tennis court rules are posted here and at the courts.
You can obtain the combination code for using the newly resurfaced tennis courts on Fallsworth Drive and West Chatham by filling out this form. Since the tennis court codes change each year in May, residents will need to submit a new form each year in May in order to obtain the current codes. Due to vandalism issues in the past, the code will only be given out to interested homeowners who fill out this form. Please do not share the code with other homeowners. In order to help save the integrity of the new tennis courts, please be sure to re-secure and lock the gate when you are finished.
Once you have filled out the tennis form, please email or fax the form to:
Laura Moushegian
Omega Association
FAX: 919.461.0106
EMAIL: laura@omegamgmt.com