Pool & Clubhouse
Unsupervised Adult Swim
Interested in swimming laps during the pool season either in the early morning or afternoons in August/September? You can obtain pool access for this activity, keeping in mind that the hours are limited and subject to change due to maintenance and swim team practice. Click here to download the Unsupervised Adult Swim request form.
Special Case or Temporary Pool ID Form
Residents may obtain a Special Case Pool ID for a long term visitor or a care provider who will be coming to the pool without the resident (for example, a parent who lives outside of OXH, but who will bring his/her OXH children under age 10 to the pool). For more information about Special Case Pool IDs, please refer to the Pool Rules (PDF) or email the Oxxford Hunt Pool Committee (please provide your name and OXH address).
Tennis Courts
- There is a new form to request the lock combination for the newly resurfaced tennis courts. Click here for the form.